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How To Find Your Favorite Coffee Bean Type?

How To Find Your Favorite Coffee Bean Type?


Walking down the coffee aisle can be a pretty overwhelming encounter, considering there are tons of bags, all claiming to be different flavors, roasts, and even a different coffee bean type.

If you're a coffee fanatic, you'll probably hone in on the ones with the specific coffee bean and roast you like with ease. Yet, some might be scratching their heads and googling in the middle of the aisle the difference between Robusta and Arabica and which one to choose.

If you're that person googling away right now, you've come to the right place!

We'll give you a wide scope of coffee bean types and roast types so you can confidently choose your GOOD CUPPA COFFEE.

What Are The 4 Types Of Coffee?

The four types of coffee are:

  1. Arabica
  2. Robusta
  3. Liberica
  4. Excelsa

While Arabica and Robusta beans make up the majority of the beans on the coffee market, Liberica and Excelsa beans are still two rare but distinct coffee bean types that you can find on the market. 

Let's dive deeper into each one to help you understand their flavors, roasts, and characteristics.

Arabica Coffee Beans

This is the type of coffee you'll find in specialty coffee shops and expensive bags of coffee. Arabica beans are known for their sweet and subtle flavor profiles, with notes of chocolate, caramel, fruit, and sometimes even floral if it's a light roast.

Because Arabica beans are so popular, they come in various roasts such as Light Roast, Medium Roast, and Dark Roast, and you'll see them in specialty coffees designed to make Espresso.

The Arabica beans are more delicate and require the proper mixture of climate and altitude to grow properly, as well as more tender care and cultivation. Considering this, this coffee bean type is generally more expensive than Robusta beans.

Robusta Coffee Beans

Robusta beans have a much stronger flavor than Arabica beans. They are more bitter, with notes of burnt toast and nuttiness. The caffeine content in Robusta is also higher than that of Arabica beans, making a cup of Robusta coffee more energizing and powerful.

Robusta beans are usually used in combination with Arabica beans, as they give the blend an additional kick of caffeine. The most common roasts for Robusta are Medium Roast and especially Dark Roast.

Robusta beans are generally cheaper than Arabica because the 'trees' produce cherries much faster and in larger quantities per tree. They can withstand more weather conditions than the Arabica trees and aren't as vulnerable to bugs and pests, making growth and cultivation a bit easier than other coffee bean types.

Liberica Coffee Beans

Liberica beans are rare and considered to be the most flavorful of all types of coffee. They have a strong, woody flavor with tobacco, nuts, and dark chocolate notes. This is a very distinct taste that is atypical to a traditional coffee flavor. Liberica is usually associated with sweet-smelling coffee because it has a hint of floral aroma as well.

Liberica beans are less popular than Arabica or Robusta beans, so they are usually found in specialty stores, and you may find them roasted in either Light Roast, Medium Roast, or Dark Roast.

These beans grow in Western and Central Africa and Asia, like Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, etc.

Excelsa Coffee Beans

Excelsa is the rarest type of coffee bean and is not widely known. It has a tart, fruity flavor profile and can be described as having a "wild" flavor. It is usually used to add complexity and a flavor boost to blends, but you may also find it sold on its own.

Excelsa beans are usually found in a Light Roast or Medium Roast and tend to have an acidic taste which can be a bit overwhelming for some. These beans are grown in Southeast Asia and India.

What Is The Best Type Of Coffee Bean?

The best type of coffee bean for you depends on your preference. Robusta is excellent if you like a strong and bold flavor. If you prefer a mild, sweet flavor profile, then Arabica beans are the way to go.

Considering many people will go their entire lives without having ever tried coffee from the Liberica and Excelsa plant, most will find a preference between either the Robusta or Arabica beans. Yet, your favorite might end up being a blend of these beans!

Is Arabica Or Robusta Better?

To clarify, neither Arabica nor Robusta is better than the other; they are both a flavorful coffee bean type that will produce an exceptional cuppa coffee! Those who appreciate a gentle, sweeter flavor should opt for arabica coffee beans, while Robusta is the ideal choice for those with taste buds that crave bolder, more robust flavors.

Type Of Coffee Roasts

There are four types of coffee roasts, each of which brings out unique flavor and aroma profiles from the beans.

Light Roast: Light roast coffees have a light brown color, with no oil on the bean's surface. They usually retain their original characteristics in terms of flavor profile and are more acidic than other roasting levels.

Medium Roast: Medium roast coffees have a medium brown color and often contain some oil on the bean's surface. They are balanced in acidity and sweetness, making them a popular choice among coffee drinkers.

Medium-Dark Roast: Medium-dark roast coffees have a darker brown color and often contain some oil on their surface. They usually carry an intense flavor profile with a heavy body and slight hints of caramelization.

Dark Roast: Darker roasts are dark brown in color with an oily surface. These coffees are characterized by their low acidity, heavy body, and smoky taste.

Knowing the different types of coffee roasts can help you better understand which coffee bean is the perfect choice for a particular flavor profile preference. There isn't a one-size-fits-all when it comes to coffee beans and roasts; it's all about personal taste!

Roasted Coffee Beans Benefits

Not only are roasted coffee beans tasty and aromatic, but they can also offer several health benefits. Roasted coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world, and scientific research has recently linked it with a reduced risk of certain diseases such as type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and liver cancer.

Regular consumption of roasted coffee beans can potentially lower the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease, as well as improve cognitive function. Coffee contains several beneficial compounds, such as caffeine, antioxidants, and chlorogenic acid, which help reduce inflammation in the body.

Amongst all these health benefits, roasted coffee beans make an absolutely delicious beverage that brings us coziness, warmth, and happiness whenever we drink it- now that alone is a beautiful benefit!


Life cycle of a coffee bean


What Is The Life Cycle Of A Coffee Bean?

The life cycle of a coffee bean is an exciting journey, beginning in the fields where it is picked by hand and ending up as our morning cup of joe. Here’s what happens from start to finish: 


Coffee beans are picked when ripe to ensure that only the highest quality beans get selected. 


The pulp must first be removed from the bean, which can be done by machine or using more traditional methods like drying them in the sun on patios or warehouses. 

After this step, the beans have parchment on them still, so they need to go through a hulling process and then sorting into grades (which determines price and quality).  


Once sorted into various grades, each lot goes through another screening process called milling, where stones and twigs are eliminated before turning into green beans. 


This is one of the essential steps for creating specialty coffee because it enriches aromas and tastes while deepening color shades to give us that delicious cup we drink every morning! 

During this stage, different variables, such as temperature range, humidity levels in air flow systems, etc., play an important role, requiring specialized machinery to correctly maintain constant conditions throughout all batches of roastings.   


When selecting the best coffee bean type, there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

Depending on your flavor preference, you may enjoy Arabica or Robusta beans more.

You can also experiment with light, medium, and dark roasts seeing how each type of roast enhances each bean's flavor. Whichever kind of bean or roast you choose, always remember that the best cup of coffee comes from freshly roasted beans.

Not to mention, roasted coffee beans also offer several health benefits. So why not treat yourself to a good cuppa coffee made with freshly brewed, quality coffee beans? You definitely won't regret it!